
Hang Holiday Lights Without Damaging Your Gutters

Prepare for the holidays with elegant, festive lights on your home. Share your holiday spirit with your community by selecting memorable decorations and warm, illuminating outdoor lights. If you’re considering upgrading your outdoor holiday lighting, or you’ve never installed holiday lights before, learn how to safely hang lights without damaging your gutters.

Select the Right Lights

One of the most important decisions is choosing the correct lighting. Without proper lights, you could damage your home or create an unappealing light display. Be sure your lighting is long enough to cover your eaves, porch, or any other outdoor feature you wish to illuminate. Consider choosing blinking or colorful lights for a festive look. Once you’ve found your favorites, check to see if they’re rated for outdoor use.

Use Light Clips to Avoid Gutter Damage

Some homeowners mistakenly hang lights directly on their gutters. As ice forms around your Christmas lights, they can become quite heavy and damage your gutters. Instead of adding gutter replacement to your spring-cleaning list, choose light clips to safely hang your outdoor lighting. Not only will you protect your gutters, but you’ll have a convenient way to remove your lighting at the end of the holiday season.

Find a Safe Electrical Source

Finally, you’ll need to find a safe source of electricity to power your lights. Because you don’t have an outlet on your roof, look for a nearby outdoor outlet. Invest in a durable extension cord that’s rated for cold temperatures and outdoor use. Be sure your outdoor outlet is a GFCI, which keeps you safe working around electricity in wet conditions.

For more holiday lighting tips or gutter repair services, contact Novalis Roofing. From minor gutter damage to complete roofing projects, you’ll enjoy prompt service, affordable pricing, and a quality finish. Don’t stress about your gutter system or roof this holiday season, enjoy quality services and focus on your holiday celebrations. Call 973-240-9074 or email us today to learn more!


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