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Insufficient Ventilation Is Causing your Roof to Fail

Insufficient ventilation in a home can cause various issues, especially with the roof. When there is inadequate ventilation in a house, it causes excess moisture build up in the attic, which can lead to various problems. As a homeowner you may wonder, how do I know if my home has insufficient ventilation? Here are some […]

Choosing a roofing company for your gutters? The Benefits


While gutters may seem like a minor aspect of a home’s exterior, they play a critical role in protecting your property from water damage. Gutters help to direct rainwater away from your home’s foundation and prevent water from seeping into your basement or crawl space. Therefore, it’s important to have gutters that are installed correctly […]

Do’s and Don’ts for Preventing Future Roof Storm Damage

roof storm damage

Is your home prepared to withstand the fury of a storm? Your home is your sanctuary, and the roof plays a vital role in protecting it. As a homeowner, you need to be aware of how to prevent roof storm damage and ensure the longevity of your residential roofing. In this article, we’ll discuss the do’s […]

Is Your Roof at Risk? The Perilous Effects of Moss Growth

||||||Roof Moss||||

  Moss can have a negative impact on your roof in several ways. When moss growth is present and growing, it becomes a blanket on top of your home’s roof, retaining a lot of water and moisture. Over time this will lead to issues where the water and moisture will not only rot and decompose […]

How Often Should You Replace Your Roof? Answered!

how often replace your roof

Replacing your roof is a huge investment that can have long-lasting benefits for your home and family. It improves the safety, comfort, and beauty of the property while protecting it from the elements. Therefore, roof replacement costs can be quite high depending on the type of roof, damage, and more. Your roof impacts your safety […]

Flat Roofs & When It May Be Time To Replace Them

Is your roof looking a little flat? It may be time to give it some attention. Flat roofs on residential homes are more common than you may think. Typically, on older traditional homes, there are sections of the roof that may be flat. However, on modern, newer contemporary homes, we are seeing flat roofs are […]

Emergency Roof Repair: Causes and How to Avoid Them

Is your home in need of roof repairs? If so, you might not necessarily have an emergency situation on your hands. If you’re missing a couple of shingles, this isn’t going to be the worst roofing problem in the world. You can skip scheduling an emergency roof repair and have roofing repairs done at your earliest […]

Do you Know Where Your Bath Vents are Venting to?


POV: You are preparing to take a long shower after a tiring day. First, you flip on the bath vent to air out the expected steam and heat, then you begin with your shower. These same steps are repeated daily by everyone in your household. However, you have yet to think twice about where your […]

Everything You Need to Know About Roof Leaks

how to know if your roof is leaking

Are you wondering how to know if your roof is leaking but don’t know what to look out for? Fear not, we are here to help! From stained walls to rusty pipes, check out these common signs that you are dealing with a roof leak and what to do about it. Marks on the ceilings […]